NexumStp in Il Sole 24 Ore’s Growth Leader 2020 ranking

NexumStp S.p.A.
NexumStp S.p.A. - Il Sole 24Ore

Il Sole 24 Ore together with Statista, a German web portal dealing with statistics and research, has included our company in its “Growth Leaders 2020″ award for companies that have seen the largest increase in turnover in the three-year period between 2015 and 2018.

The ranking sees NexumStp in 5th place out of 400, with a growth rate of +171.37% (CAGR).

NexumStp leader della crescita 2020

Outlook and new opportunities

Being a “growth leader” is a form of public recognition that places us among the most dynamic companies in Italy. It can translate into new business opportunities, new partners, and new customers.

Mauro Zanin gave Il Sole 24 Ore his views on NexumStp’s evolution in recent years.

We realised that we had to be able to enter sectors that traditional consultants do not have the required skillset, such as marketing, communication and development strategies. Up until twenty, twenty-five years ago, a professional’s educational background was sufficient to cover their entire career, but today this is no longer the case.

Participation criteria

  • In order to apply, companies must meet certain requirements:
  • Sales of Euro 100,000 in 2015
  • Sales of 1.5 million in 2018
  • Head office in Italy; they must be independent (no branches or subsidiaries are allowed).

Companies interested in taking part must demonstrate that the growth in turnover in the 2015-2018 three-year period is organic and not due to the acquisition of other companies. Above all, they must prove that they are legally compliant (Art. 80, Legislative Decree 50/201)

Once the sales figures have been submitted, they will be certified by a member of the company’s executive committee and checked by Statista.

See the list of award-winning companies
NexumStp S.p.A.

NexumStp S.p.A.

An alliance of people working to create a shared promise, a fair and transparent commitment, and a source of mutual growth and evolution.