At the 9th “Forum One Lavoro” event, Paolo Stern, an employment consultant and president of the Nexumstp consulting firm, moderated a round table discussion with former employment ministers Damiano, Fornero, and Sacconi, and CNEL president Treu. During the meeting he highlighted current challenges such as the fragile position of women and young people in the labour market, and outlined possible paths and solutions for a new start.
Paolo Stern (Nexumstp S.p.A.): “Labour regulations: urgent reforms needed for women and young people”.

NexumStp S.p.A.
An alliance of people working to create a shared promise, a fair and transparent commitment, and a source of mutual growth and evolution.

“During the course of the pandemic, the Italian system has unfortunately shown obvious weaknesses, which have been at the expense of certain categories such as women and young people. According to Eurostat, Italy is the EU country with the highest number of NEETs (people not in employment, education or training) among the 20-34 age group. The figure stands at 27.8% against an EU average of 16.4%.
A plan of durable, meaningful reforms cannot be put off any longer, also to kick-start the PNRR, which covers three types of reform: horizontal or contextual, enabling and sectorial. The plan is split into specific reform missions, one of which is to promote inclusion and cohesion, which I consider essential” said Paolo Stern, employment consultant and president of Nexumstp, at the 9th One Lavoro Forum, where he acted as moderator. Stern led the second session of the forum, during which employment law expert Roberto Camera delivered a talk entitled “How much does unclear application of laws cost a company?” This was followed by a round table where former employment ministers Cesare Damiano, Elsa Fornero and Maurizio Sacconi, as well as CNEL president Tiziano Treu spoke on the theme “2001-2021: after 20 years of reforms, are we ready for a new start?”
Stern added, “Implementation of the plan will be crucial to ensure the effective integration of active employment policies and social policies, also by investing heavily in combined education and training (dual apprenticeships). Another essential part of Italy’s recovery will be mobilising the female workforce in order to achieve equal opportunities. The introduction of a national gender equality certification system, as envisaged in the PNRR, is intended to help businesses reduce the gender gap in key areas for the professional growth of women, and to increase wage transparency. However, alongside this broad sweep of reforms, employment minister Andrea Orlando will have to introduce urgent new changes to the current regulatory framework. In the coming months, key issues will have to be reviewed, such as social security, the rationalisation of employment contracts, and sanctions following unlawful dismissals. All this has to be done in light of the new developments in case law that have dismantled the Jobs Act system and the pension entitlements system, and bearing in mind that the expensive Quota 100 experiment will be wrapped up at the end of the year. In short, there is a lot to do and it must be done quickly, but also thoroughly, because employment reform is a crucial factor in economic recovery.
NexumSTP is a professional partnership born from the merger of some of the most prestigious Italian tax and employment consultancy firms. It combines innovation and dynamism with the tradition, culture and values of professional boards and associations. NexumSTP is ranked 61st in the annual FT 1000 ranking of Europe’s fastest-growing companies, published by the Financial Times.
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NexumStp S.p.A.
An alliance of people working to create a shared promise, a fair and transparent commitment, and a source of mutual growth and evolution.