Nexumstp partners with University of Naples Parthenope for the Legal Manager & Advisor master’s degree course

di NexumStp S.p.A.
Un’alleanza fra persone che dà vita a una promessa condivisa, a un impegno leale e trasparente, fonte di crescita ed evoluzione reciproche.
The Legal Manager & Advisor master’s degree course, organised by the Department of Law of the University of Naples Parthenope and directed by Professor Federico Alvino, with the patronage of several national organisations – including business consulting firm Nexumstp – is now underway. The notice for applications to enroll in the second edition of the master’s degree course in the 2022/23 academic year and to apply for one of the available scholarships has been published. The closing date for applications is 16 September 2022.
Applications are reserved to candidates who have already been awarded Bachelor’s or Level I degree, or who will receive their undergraduate qualification before the application deadline. Classes will run with a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 70 students. Future business lawyers and corporate consultants enrolled on the course will be able to attend lessons remotely on weekends while interning at the firms and companies involved in the programme, including Nexumstp.
Nexumstp’s collaboration with the university began at the end of April with the aim of exchanging experiences to create a bridge between the world of education and the world of work as effectively as possible. As part of the partnership, Nexumstp will host trainees and interns thanks to a two-year agreement with the LaReLab workshop, headed by Professor Edoardo Ales of the university’s Law department. The master’s degree, now in its second edition, also goes in this direction.
Gianluca Petricca, managing partner of Nexumstp, states: “Our aim, through this professional training initiative, is to contribute to the creation of an effective channel that enables students to receive clear training on the specific needs of companies, which, now more than ever, find themselves in an economic environment which is rife with challenges and risks. In addition, our in-depth knowledge of the labour market, which is now characterised by the phenomenon of the Great Resignation, has led us to promoting projects like the one with the University of Naples Parthenope in search of motivated talents to support the growth of companies”.
The notice for applications is available here.
NexumStp is a professional partnership born from the merger of some of Italy’s leading tax and employment consultancy firms. It combines innovation and dynamism with the tradition, culture, and values of professional boards and associations. NexumStp is ranked 191st in the 2021 annual FT 1000 ranking of Europe’s fastestgrowing companies, published by the Financial Times. It is the 45th Italian company in the ranking.
Giorgio Tedeschi – Valentina Colombo
Tel +39 02 626931 –

di NexumStp S.p.A.
Un’alleanza fra persone che dà vita a una promessa condivisa, a un impegno leale e trasparente, fonte di crescita ed evoluzione reciproche.
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