FT1000 Ranking: NexumStp among Europe’s fastest growing companies.

For the third year in a row, NexumStp has made it into the Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies ranking, a joint project of the Financial Times and Statista. The management company was ranked 261st out of 1000 companies considered the best in Europe in terms of their annual revenue growth rate between 2017 and 2020, and is placed 52nd among the Italian companies in the FT 1000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies 2022 ranking. NexumStp has achieved this thanks to a 601.37% revenue growth and a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 91.42%.
To some extent this result was predicted by the Group’s significant expansion. Today, partly through new partnerships and agreements, the Group has over 500 employees in 59 offices across the country, assisting 22,000 companies – mainly SMEs – with tax, legal, employment, IT and innovation, safety and environment matters.
“We’re proud to have achieved such a prestigious result again this year, despite the difficult global situation caused by the pandemic, which has brought major upheaval to the world of work and business. Being included in the FT1000 validates our business model – one that puts multidisciplinarity, transparency and sustainability at the core of our corporate strategy. Today more than ever, being in a European ranking is a strong affirmation of the value of freedom that underpins our continent, and which is the only possible way forward for lasting, sustainable economic growth,” says NexumSTP’s CEO, Mauro Zanin.
NexumSTP is a joint stock company founded in December 2018 following the merger of some of Italy’s leading tax and employment consulting firms. Following the entry of new partners, the group now has 59 offices across Italy, with its headquarters in Rome. Worldwide, the group has a further 28 offices, coordinated by the subsidiary IC&Partners. NexumStp provides SMEs with fiscal, corporate, employment, legal and managerial advice and also offers outsourced HR administration (payroll) services. The Group’s new competitive drivers include research, personnel recruitment, funded training and tech solutions for business management.
Diesis Group press office
Giorgio Tedeschi – Valentina Colombo
Tel +39 02 626931 – nexumstp@diesis.it

di NexumStp S.p.A.
Un’alleanza fra persone che dà vita a una promessa condivisa, a un impegno leale e trasparente, fonte di crescita ed evoluzione reciproche.