The area specialises in computer science, technology and digital strategies.

Digitisation has become an integral factor of business systems and the legislation itself drives companies to do more and more in this respect. But what does it mean for an SME to become a digital reality? It means evolving, from an organisational standpoint, behaviour and working methods, adopting innovative technologies to computerise and digitise production and management processes. A process that is neither easy nor immediate as there is the risk of overly superficial adaptation, thus missing out on the opportunity to transform it into a lever for growth and development.

For this to be successful, it is necessary to have a partner that is able to plan this evolution step by step, starting from a preliminary diagnosis of technological and IT needs to understand which interventions it is necessary to implement and which are of lesser importance. The analysis phase is used to quantify the level of digital maturity, to set the objectives to be achieved and then to identify the most suitable technologies for the corporate evolution in digital perspective and the changes to be made to the production and management processes.

This is because when we talk about digital change we mean only the technology but also the evolution of the organisation, behaviours and working methods such as, for example, reorganising the company in order to generate only electronic documentation.

Our experts put the companies, and all the people who are part of them, in a position to achieve a complete and conscious digital transformation, guiding them towards the simplification and optimisation of the procedures in order to work better, to reduce costs and to increase profits.

The area specialises in computer science, technology and digital strategies.

Digitisation has become an integral factor of business systems and the legislation itself drives companies to do more and more in this respect. But what does it mean for an SME to become a digital reality? It means evolving, from an organisational standpoint, behaviour and working methods, adopting innovative technologies to computerise and digitise production and management processes. A process that is neither easy nor immediate as there is the risk of overly superficial adaptation, thus missing out on the opportunity to transform it into a lever for growth and development.

IT e Innovazione

For this to be successful, it is necessary to have a partner that is able to plan this evolution step by step, starting from a preliminary diagnosis of technological and IT needs to understand which interventions it is necessary to implement and which are of lesser importance. The analysis phase is used to quantify the level of digital maturity, to set the objectives to be achieved and then to identify the most suitable technologies for the corporate evolution in digital perspective and the changes to be made to the production and management processes.

This is because when we talk about digital change we mean only the technology but also the evolution of the organisation, behaviours and working methods such as, for example, reorganising the company in order to generate only electronic documentation.

Our experts put the companies, and all the people who are part of them, in a position to achieve a complete and conscious digital transformation, guiding them towards the simplification and optimisation of the procedures in order to work better, to reduce costs and to increase profits.

Areas of expertise

Areas of expertise

Analysis of digital maturity

A company that aims to start the technological transformation 4.0 must firstly know their own level of digital maturity . Such as? Analysing the degree of digitalisation of the company and its ability to make its business model more efficient through enabling technologies and organisational innovations.

Choose a strategic approach to digital transformation

Defining a digital strategy means focusing on the vision, the objectives, the initiatives useful for maximising the economic opportunities and benefits deriving from the use of digital technologies. In practice, the strategy declines the operational steps of the transformation and describes the changes in business processes that will affect the way a service or product is delivered, to simplify internal processes and to collaborate in the organisation.

Analyse IT infrastructures

The assessment of an information system can be considered in various ways: as the final moment of its life cycle, as an initial moment preceding the feasibility study of a new system or as the implementation of corrective actions on the existing system. It is therefore a diagnosis of the company’s technological and IT needs, which we carry out to understand what interventions it is necessary to implement.

Use technology to make the business evolve

Digital change is not just about technology, but also about the evolution of the organisation, working methods, and customer experience. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is the first step to act on these aspects and to make companies more functional. Our job is to create BPRs related to the adoption of innovative technologies for the computerisation and digitalisation of processes, whether they are productive or managerial.

Learn to do without paper

The objectives of digitalisation include the implementation of the Paperless Company model, a work environment in which the use of paper is close to zero. This is achieved by converting paper documents into digital form (dematerialisation) and by reorganising the company in order to generate only electronic documentation .
In practice, the transformation into a paperless company takes place through the adoption of a Document Management System (DMS), a document management software that performs the archiving function.
Unlike other software, the return time of investments in document systems is less than one year and in some cases even six months.

Understanding the cloud and using it for the benefit of the company

Taking a competitive advantage from the cloud requires in-depth technical knowledge. We help companies to understand the potential of this resource to make the best use of it, with an approach that starts from the comparison of several models and that results in providing solutions to gain in efficiency by spending less.

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